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TAA Plugged In Exhibitor Q&A Session

TAA Plugged In Exhibitor Q&A Session

Thursday, October 8, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)

Event Details

Register to join us for an Exhibitor Q&A Session about our upcoming "TAA Plugged In: Create the Connection" event! We'll walk you through our demo site, talk about some of the virtual event features and how you can "create the connection" with Owner/Operator Attendees!

PREView Demo Event

This Q&A Session is open to all TAA Suppliers interested in learning more. If you are already registered to exhibit, there is a separate Exhibitor Training Session you may be interested in attending.

For More Information:

Vicki Franciosi
Vicki Franciosi
M.Ed. Director of Membership Triangle Apartment Association (919)782-1165x7