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Leasing Bootcamp: Ready Your Troops for Leasing Victory!

Tuesday, April 8, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (EDT)

* Registration open until 4/1/25 at 12:00 AM (EST)

Event Details

Cost: $199 Members | $299 Non-Members 

Six (6) CAPS, CAM, CAS, CALP, and CAMT continuing education credits                                                                                                                                                                           

Attention Leasing Specialists! It’s time to get your leasing skills in top shape and march towards a new level of success. This Spring “Star-Spangled Banner” Bootcamp will advance your team’s expertise, equipping them with tactical skills to transform prospects into happy residents—whether online or on-site. Fall in line and prepare to salute as we cover the leasing battlefield

 Topics Covered:

• Radar Recon: Spot and engage E-leads and phone prospects before they go MIA.

• Special Ops Discovery: Uncover the hidden needs and wants of your prospects with ease.

• Custom Attack Plan: Tailor your presentation strategy, including virtual demonstrations, to make a memorable impact.

• Physical and Virtual Prep: Learn the difference between preparing a commanding physical presence and a strong virtual one.

• Product Drill: Master the right sequence of steps to showcase your product effectively, staying in control at every turn.

• Feature/Benefit Firepower: Deliver a powerful presentation using feature/benefit selling that leaves an impression.

• Handling Objections Like a Sergeant: Use proven strategies to defuse objections and handle tough personalities.

• Show Me the Money, Soldier!: Ace the closing phase and confidently ask for deposits.

Gear up for an action-packed training session that will earn your leasing team their stripes and lead your community to victory in leasing conversions! Are you ready to advance and conquer the leasing front lines?                                                                                                                         


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For More Information:

Shawna Poteat
Shawna Poteat
M.Ed Education & Credentials Manager Triangle Apartment Association (919)782-1165

Meet Your Instructor, Rebecca Rosario

Rebecca Rosario, CAM, CALP, NAAEI Faculty, is a nationally recognized speaker and facilitator, presenting at local and state apartment associations, as well as a recurrent presenter for The National Apartment Association’s Apartmentalize Conference. She is President of Full House Marketing, Inc., based in Durham, N.C., Founder of Diversity-Connection, and an ApartMentor. In addition to over 24 self-authored talent development programs, Rebecca facilitates CALP and CAM for NAAEI. Recent Acknowledgements include induction into the 2021 AANC Hall of Fame and Globe St. Woman of Influence.