Photo of Katy Boone

Katy Boone


Property Manager

Weston Reserve

Apartment Community

Professional Bio

Katy Boone, NAAEI, CAPS, CAM, is a Property Manager in the Triangle market. Previously, she worked for Related Management and Drucker + Falk. She has worked in the apartment industry for over 17 years and moved to North Carolina in 2012. Katy earned her NAAEI Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) credential in 2017, her Certified Apartment Portfolio Supervisor (CAPS) credential in 2019, and most recently became an Advanced Facilitator in 2022 and will begin teaching CAM modules in 2023. Katy has experience with Class A, Lease-Up, Mid Rise Buildings, Distressed Properties, and Property Rehab and Renovations. Katy has served on TAA’s Government Affairs Committee and has served as Co-Chair.

Additionally, she has participated on the PAC Sub-Committee and was one of the founding members of the TAA-PAC Board of Trustees and the Alliance for Progress in the Triangle (APT) Board of Directors. As a TAA Membership Ambassador, she helps recruit and encourage existing members to participate in committees for the TAA. She is currently serving in her fourth year as a TAA Board of Directors and supports the Finance Committee and Leadership Development. In 2022, she was the recipient of the TOPS Volunteer of the Year award. A recognition she is most proud to receive. Her additional volunteer work has expanded at the state level on AANC’s Government Affairs Committee and as of 2023 is now an AANC PAC Board of Trustees member.

Katy is a graduate from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, where she received her BA in Music and minored in Education and is a classically trained clarinet player. She played with the Raleigh Community Band in 2019-2020. Her passion for rescuing dogs led to her volunteering with Carolina Adopt-a-Bulls dog rescue and she has two of her own. She is a lover of wine, traveling to the mountains for the lakes, scenery, camping and hiking. You can also find her frequenting a live music venue or singing karaoke.


Weston Reserve
1000 Henrico Lane
Morrisville, NC 27560
(984) 768-9679
TAA Logo Apartment Community

Old Dominion University 2008 Bachelor of Arts in K-12 Music Education
Tidewater Community College 2010 Middle School Science Teaching Certification
2011 Property of the Year
2011 Property Manager of the Year
2019 Morrisville Chamber of Commerce Stewardship Award
2022 TAA Volunteer of the Year
Volunteer Work:
Government Affairs Committee
Government Affairs Co-Chair 2018-
TAA-PAC Fundraiser 2016-
TAA-PAC Board of Trustees 2019-
AANC Social Media Ambassador 2019-
TAA Membership Ambassador 2019-
TAA-PAC Ambassador 2019-
Carolina Adopt-a-Bulls Rescue 2017-
APT Board of Directors 2019-
TAA Board of Directors 2020-
Morrisville Chamber of Commerce - East Meets West Festival 2018-2020
TAA Finance Committee 2020-
TAA Leadership Development 2020-