Organization Overview
Count Junkula is the Friendly Vampire who Loves Junk. We offer the following services to apartment complexes:
*Bulk Trash Pickup
*Appliance and Renovation Debris Removal
*Dumpster Rentals
Call the Count because he VAANTS YOUR JUNK!
*Bulk Trash Pickup
*Appliance and Renovation Debris Removal
*Dumpster Rentals
Call the Count because he VAANTS YOUR JUNK!

Chad Emerick

Avonlea Groft
Office Manager

Jason Tudor

Justin Wadsworth
Sales Representative
Paul Rill
Business Development Manager
Po Barin
Operations Manager

Areas of Expertise
Cleaning: Trash Bin/Dumpster Cleaners, Trash or Recycling: Bulk Removal/Apartment Clean Out, Trash or Recycling: Doorstep Collection, Turn Service Contractors