Organization Overview

Count Junkula is the Friendly Vampire who Loves Junk. We offer the following services to apartment complexes:

*Bulk Trash Pickup
*Appliance and Renovation Debris Removal
*Dumpster Rentals

Call the Count because he VAANTS YOUR JUNK!
Chad Emerick
Chad Emerick Co-Owner
Avonlea Groft
Avonlea Groft Office Manager
Jason Tudor
Jason Tudor Co-Owner
Justin Wadsworth
Justin Wadsworth Sales Representative
Paul Rill Business Development Manager
Po Barin Operations Manager
TAA Logo Supplier

Areas of Expertise
Cleaning: Trash Bin/Dumpster Cleaners, Trash or Recycling: Bulk Removal/Apartment Clean Out, Trash or Recycling: Doorstep Collection, Turn Service Contractors