A Letter of Gratitude from Your Executive Director

Posted By: Josie Eatmon ENews,

“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” G.K. Chesterton

Dear TAA Members,

What a year! When I reflect on the past 9 or so months since the pandemic hit, and all that has meant to each of us, professionally and personally, the first words that come to mind are ‘Thank You!’

Thank you for your continued support of our Association during this once in our lifetime (I hope) crisis. Thank you that in the midst of CDC guidelines, eviction moratoriums, stay at home and safer at home restrictions and all you were dealing with, you never gave up on us, and continued to remain engaged.

Thank you that as we had to pivot from in person education and events to virtual webinars, classes, and networking platforms, you were right there with us, encouraging us and showing up to participate. Thank you as we had to transition to Zoom committee meetings, you showed up and showed out by attending in large numbers. As we worked to navigate the never-ending firehose of government regulations and disseminate information in real-time, you responded and reacted as needed for your portfolios and businesses.

As I look back on 2020, while it was immensely challenging most of the time to navigate unchartered methods to remain relevant and a benefit to our members; it was also encouraging to see how both members and the TAA team, rallied to the moment and met it head on with persistence and dedication to make lemonade out of lemons!

As we enter the holiday season and the New Year, I just want to express how much the TAA team appreciates that we get to work with you, our volunteers day in and day out. This is an incredible industry with dedicated, professional people – and we thank you for allowing us to work beside and with you. To say we value your partnership, is an understatement.

Enjoy your loved ones, wear your masks, stay socially distanced, and know that we can’t wait to see you in 2021!


Josie H. Eatmon, CAE
TAA Executive Director